Wednesday, May 18, 2005


The debate over biotechnology is couched in terms of what "we as a society should do or allow." Faugh! This field should be marked by an absence of coercion or prohibition. That we are on the threshold of being able to fundamentally modify the human animal is evident. It's equally evident that allowing folks like Leon Kass to drive policy embraces a Dark Ages approach that denies reality, impermissibly compromises liberty and betrays the promise of humanity.


Anonymous said...

i like......

sort of runic rhyme said...

Totally agree with you. If humans can harness technology to provide them with a better bi identity, who are people to stop the march of human progress to more completeness and toward more global gender experience? Further, reaching superior bi-dom through scientific creative tinkering will give humans the sensation of being part test-tube, part machine and part other lifeform plasma. One day we will be free of genderism AND speciesism, thanks to bi-technology.

Hit me with science, baby! Nano, nano...

Joe said...

This blog is sure getting better quality traffic all of a sudden. Must be the "masculine musk" virus I uploaded. Let's not blur those gender distinctions just yet; I'm not through playing Big Strong Man takes care of Grateful Girl.

sort of runic rhyme said...

I'm a heterographic homophone variant of Grateful Girl who could use some bob-engineering; Mr. Joe, could you play Big Strong Man to me?

I think you're hot ;>O

sort of runic rhyme said...

